Posts with Category "uncategorised"

5 Reasons You Need Cloud Payroll

    3 minute read    

This blog takes a closer look at some of the benefits that come with using Cloud Payroll.

2022 Employer Interim Filing Season Submissions (13 September to 31 October 2021)

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It’s approaching that time of the year again! We’d like to use this blog post to remind you that the employer Interim Reconciliation submission period, which is one of the Bi-Annual Filing periods for the 2022 tax year, will run between 13 September and 31 October 2021.

New Feature: Batch Pay Beneficiaries

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In March 2021, we introduced beneficiaries to the system (refer to our blog post dated 9 March). We’ve now expanded this feature to allow you to pay beneficiaries in bulk.

How working from home may have cut your tax bill

    5 minute read    

At SimplePay we love going the extra mile for our customers and their employees. Normally this involves making your payroll obligations a breeze, but sometimes there are aspects of income tax law that we like to highlight as they can benefit both you and your employees!

2021 ROE Submissions Are Due

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Your Return of Earnings is due to the Compensation Fund by 31 May 2021.

Budget Speech – 24 February 2021

    4 minute read    

Our latest blog post covers the changes to payroll announced in the 2021 budget speech.

SARS’ SMME Feedback Survey

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Today’s blog post provides our SMME clients the opportunity to provide direct feedback to SARS on tax issues and pain points.

President’s Speech – 14 December 2020

    2 minute read    

The blog today summarises some of the key COVID-19 rule changes that affect businesses, as announced in the President’s 14 December speech.

Updated App: Version 2.0

    1 minute read    

We’ve released version 2.0 of our app with more functionality.

UI Tweaks for Profile Pages

    1 minute read    

We’ve made changes to our user interface on profile pages.

PAYE vs Income Tax

    2 minute read    

We’ve renamed ‘Tax’ on the system to ‘Tax (PAYE)’.

Employee Filtering Revamp

    1 minute read    

We’ve revamped our employee filters to make it more convenient to find and select employees.

Recap for June

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Here’s a recap of the new features and important information released this past month.

Additional COVID-19 ETI Changes

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The revised Disaster Management Tax Relief bills have given rise to ETI changes.

ETI Increases as a COVID-19 Relief Measure

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As part of the government’s COVID-19 relief measures, the ETI claimable by employers has been increased for the pay period 1 April - 31 July 2020. These changes are now available on our system.

New System Item: TERS Benefit Payout

    1 minute read    

As part of our commitment to supporting you during these uncertain times by simplifying payroll, we have introduced a new system item: TERS Payout. To recap, TERS is a COVID-19 relief measure introduced by government which provides employers with cashflow to continue to pay employees. You can find a more in-depth recap on TERS here.

Interest Rate Change for Employer Loans

    1 minute read    

The repo rate has decreased by 100 basis points, resulting in the official interest rate for employer loans changing to 6.25%.

2020 OID / Workman’s Comp Update

    1 minute read    

We have updated our system to reflect the Compensation Fund’s annual earnings threshold for the 2020/2021 Return of Earnings.

Updates in SimplePay for the 2020/2021 Tax Year

    3 minute read    

With SimplePay you’re always compliant! We have updated our system with the tax changes announced in the budget speech on 26 February 2020. You can continue processing as usual and no special year-end procedures are required.

National Minimum Wage Increase

    1 minute read    

The national minimum wage rates, as specified in the National Minimum Wage Act, will increase by 3.8% from R20 per hour to R20,76 for employees. This minimum wage increase will be effective from 1 March 2020.

Interest Rate Change for Employer Loans

    1 minute read    

The repo rate has decreased by 25 basis points, resulting in the official interest rate for employer loans changing to 7.25%.

Year in Review and Price Adjustment

    1 minute read    

As 2019 (and the decade) draws to a close, we’d like to thank you for choosing SimplePay as your payroll software provider. We really value the loyalty, ideas, feedback and love that we get from you, our clients.

We’re App Partner of the Year Finalists

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SimplePay is delighted and proud to announce that we have been chosen by Xero as a finalist for the App Partner of the Year: South Africa.

New Feature: Employee Leave Expiration

    1 minute read    

You can now specify that leave days carried over from the previous leave cycle expires if not used within a specified time frame.

New Self-Service Features

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We have been working on expanding our self-service functionality recently and are pleased to announce that we have added two new features.

CF Registration

    1 minute read    

You can pre-register for access to the new online platform for the Compensation Fund.

CF System Update

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The Compensation Fund has begun the process of modernising and consolidating their systems. As a result, the CF-Filing system has been offline as of 28 August.

Interest Rate Change for Employer Loans

    1 minute read    

The repo rate has decreased by 25 basis points, resulting in the official interest rate for employer loans changing to 7.5%.

Small Changes Can Make a Big Difference

    1 minute read    

Small changes can make a big difference, so we have added a new leave report and made some tweaks to entitlement policies.

Tax Return Submissions Are Open

    1 minute read    

You can now inform your employees that they file their tax returns via eFiling and the MobiApp

Customise System Items

    1 minute read    

SimplePay’s newest feature lets you create custom items that follow the same tax and payroll rules as system items.

ETI Changes to Remuneration Brackets

    1 minute read    

The brackets for employee earnings that ETI can be claimed on have been updated to account for inflation.

Compensation Fund Workshop – Cape Town

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From 13th  to 15th  February, the Directorate Employer Services of the Compensation Fund will be assisting payroll suppliers, employers and tax practitioners in Cape Town and its surrounding areas with the following matters:

Increased COIDA Threshold

    less than 1 minute read    

The Minister of Labour announced in Government Gazette No. 42092 that there would be an increase in the OID earnings threshold under Section 83 (8) of the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, 1993 (Act no. 130 of 1993).

National Minimum Wage Act

    1 minute read    

The new national minimum wage is set at R20 per hour effective from 1 January 2019.

Feature Highlight: Copy First Value Down

    less than 1 minute read    

Feature Highlight: The ’Copy first value down’ feature makes capturing repetitive data for employees much faster. Here’s how to use it.